A complete list of ALL Toquerville Utah homes for sale can be found at the bottom of this page. For other Toquerville Utah real estate listings, including land and commercial, please use the Southern Utah Home Search tool at the bottom of the screen.
Toquerville Utah is a charming city with a population of just 1500 people. It lies near the town of LaVerkin off Interstate 15 just 20 minutes from the entrance to Zion National Park, 15 minutes from St. George and 25 minutes from Cedar City.
Toquerville was settled in 1858 along the banks of Ash Creek near Chief Toquer’s Paiute village. The Paiutes welcomed the Mormon pioneers, and the two groups lived together peacefully. The Paiute word “toquer” means black, which is appropriate considering that the majority of the Toquerville valley and the surrounding hillsides and bluffs are covered in black, basaltic lava rock.
The peace experienced between the Paiutes and Mormons still resonates with the people who live there today. The serene setting, relatively cooler summer temperatures compared to its neighbor St. George, and large parcels of land available for homes has made Toquerville a special place to live.
Toquerville Utah has a good water supply from the Toquerville Springs about a mile above town truly making it a desert oasis. These springs are responsible for Toquerville being known for it’s orchards and farmland. It’s interesting to note that grapes were a major crop for Toquerville settlers due to the Mormon Wine Mission, which was ancillary to the Cotton Mission of 1861. Wine became a major industry, as it was shipped off to northern Utah settlements.
Toquerville Utah offers all the events any charming Utah town would offer including July 4th celebrations and Pioneer Day festivities and parades. Most notable is the Turkey Trot, which is a trail run that takes place every Thanksgiving morning. The weather for these events are usually beautiful as Toquerville sits at an elevation of 3400 ft, making the
desert summers manageable and the winters quite enjoyable.
Below is a complete list of Toquerville Utah homes for sale. If you have any questions, please contact Toquerville Utah Realtor Joel Robertson at (435) 773-1220 or [email protected].