Christmas lights St George make holiday shine

  Nothing brings that festive feeling to a community like the shimmering displays of Christmas lights St George.

Across town there are many public Christmas lights St George, as well as numerous private homes with amazing light displays. There are so many, in fact, it would be difficult if not impossible to view them all in a single drive.

It’s tradition | Christmas lights St George

For many people piling into their version of a one horse open sleigh (usually their car) and driving around to view the lights is a family tradition. It has all the potential for a memories-in-the-making kind of evening. Christmas caroling in the car, viewing the Christmas lights St George and maybe stopping off for some hot cocoa along the way. Determining the best route to view the Christmas lights St George may be the most difficult part; well, at least narrowing it down.

 Public displays Christmas lights St George

Although the following is certainly not an all-inclusive list, it is a starting point for the 2018 Christmas lights St George.Anchoring your drive with one public display can be a good way to ensure seeing at least one spectacular site. Then anything you add on from the private sector is just gravy on a delicious pile of Christmas turkey.

Christmas in the Canyon at Tuacahn

Filling the mouth of the Tuacahn Canyon with thousands of twinkling lights, this is a great place to stop on your Christmas lights St George tour. The red and green lit tree-lined drive toward Tuacahn Center for the Arts is only the beginning. Christmas in the Canyon features lights throughout the Tuacahn courtyard, with some lights illuminating the red rock canyon itself. Plus, patrons can enjoy a ride on Old Salty Train, hear a variety of musical entertainment and more.

In addition to the shiny spectacle, Christmas in the Canyon is known for including a live version of the nativity on the Tuacahn stage. And this year, an indoor performance of “Fairy Tale Christmas” by M. Scott McLean and Michael McLean, as well as an outdoor ice skating rink add even more activities to the Christmas lights St George at Tuacahn.

Town Square St. George

Lighting the way to downtown St. George, the light display generously peppered throughout the Town Square gives a warm, cheery feeling to the heart of the town.

After kicking things off with a lighting event after Thanksgiving, the Christmas lights St George display at Town Square is a great place to take the family for a festive outing.

St. George Temple

The light of the St. George temple itself is an awe-inspiring sight year round, serving as an illuminated focal point for many in this Southern Utah community. But at Christmas, the thousands of twinkling lights give yet another reason to visit this historic and religious landmark.

Built around a large nativity display in front of the temple, this Christmas lights St George display invites participants to wander through the temple grounds and feel the Christmas spirit there.

After turning on the lights before a crowd of hundreds gathered on the day after Thanksgiving this year, the Christmas lights St George display at the temple is open each evening. The lights are hung by a group of volunteers from some of the 30 LDS stakes (congregations) in Washington County. A similar process will be used to take down the lights in January.

Private displays

When you think about the time, energy, expense and effort it takes to set up an outdoor Christmas light display, it’s remarkable how many people are so willing to do it. And to do it amazingly well. While even a single strand of lights can add some holiday cheer to a modest home, there are some private Christmas lights St George that outshine even the professional displays. Some displays throughout town are set to music. You tune your radio to a certain station and the lights seem to “dance” to the beat. Others are striking because of the sheer volume of light. Others seem to tell a story with the various illuminated components. Regardless, it’s a great way to celebrate the season.

Christmas on Harmony Place

Taking the private home light display to another level, this home features special events throughout the holiday season — including visits from The Grinch, as well as Santa Claus.

Throughout the season a steady line of cars can be seen snaking through the Bloomington Hills area, heading toward this Christmas lights St George display. Santa in the window, Mrs. Claus’ house and a nativity at the center of the display are a few of the noteworthy items.

Cottonwood Circle in Santa Clara

Among the many beautiful light displays in Santa Clara, the home at 2810 Cottonwood Circle has a unique twist.

Enjoying the electric displays while giving to charity during Christmas lights St George tour.

Each Friday in December, this home opens its yard to the public. They sell hot chocolate and delicious cookies. People can walk through the life-size gingerbread houses and get lost in an illuminated light maze. All the proceeds from these Friday night gatherings go to various charities. For example, money raised during one such gathering this year went to help Ryan Talbot’s battle against stage 4 breast cancer.

Even more

There are so many Christmas lights St George displays this year that you don’t want to miss. Check out the map available at HedgehogElectric web site.

Imagine living in such a festive community! You can find great deals on homes in the greater St. George area by clicking here.